Bouncy delight with Baylee |
Wheaton Regional Park |
On the way back to Frederick while Daniel napped, I checked out new strollers at Great Beginnings. Daniel is struggling to sit up and his current stroller, a Baby Jogger City Mini, is not working well. I found a stroller that positions him better but it will win no awards for design. His adaptive stroller is on order and won't be here for at least a month.
The rest of the day was a whirlwind. We had a lovely day at Earl and Pam's farm where they worked had to make the perfect day for Daniel. Nino helped set up the day and Daniel was able to knock several items off his bucket list: riding an ATV, fishing, and go-karts. His reaction to the fish was priceless. He was so amazing when it came up out of the water. Dan then chased him with his and Daniel screamed with laughter as he "ran away" in my arms. After the farm, it was off to Medieval Times. Daniel loved the first hour and then, not enthralled by the storyline, insisted on hanging out in the gift shop/bar/waiting area.
Earl's son Tim worked for day to get the go-kart in working order. |
Paddleboat ride at the farm. |
Daniel running from the fish. |
Baylee granting Daniel a kiss after she received the favor from the yellow knight. |

This weekend Daniel also began aspirating liquids more. I upped his Simply Thick from "nectar" to "honey" consistency and that seems to be working better. Last night, I began to worry that we were planning on doing the feeding tube too soon. I read about the complications and problems with caring for the tube. I don't worry to put Daniel through that sooner than he needs to. The other parents on the MLD listerv assured me that doing it sooner was better. Those that waited, mostly regretted it, still, I want Daniel to eat as long as possible. Tonight, we tried out some new smoothies. He loved using the blender! One of his favorite Kindle games is a
smoothie app and I think the real world experience was cooler for him.
Daniel is pushing himself hard. It's like he totally understands what is going on and why he is doing so much. He has been resisting sleep and resisting naps more than ever before. Last night, I put him on the bed for five minutes while I prepped his bath. This is what I came back to.
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